ASSIA Abstracts

Israel Belfer, Ph.D.



ASSIA Nos. 93-96 appeared in Hebrew in 5774-5775 (2014). The following articles are of special interest to readers of Jewish Medical Ethics.

Does Artificial Insemination (IUI) Countermand the 'Seven Clean Days' : the Shiva Nekiim.

by Dr Yaakov Rabenson

Special halachic rulings for artificial Insemination before Tevilah, when it is introduced as a solution for early ovulation.

Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank on Artificial Insemination using Husband's Sperm

by Rabbi Haim Zvulun Harlap Zt''l Dr Eli Veisbard Z''l

Discussion        of          artificial

insemination:    there is no

Hashchatat        Zera      (useless

Expulsion of Semen); there is full Mizvah of Pru Urvu (Procreation); regular Yuchsin is preserved. However it is not permissible to perform before Tvilah. Sperm and Ovum donations are also prohibited.

OCD in Religious Patients

by Rabbi Dr Zeev Frimer

Dr Amichai Perlman

Treatment of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) in observant

Jewish patients. The condition influences many aspects of religious life. The effects are often difficult to identify. The author follows several methods in Judaism that can help the lives of those who suffer from OCD.

Fertility Treatments -Obligatory or Permissible?

Rabbi Shlomo Grinch

Given the high cost, physical pain and mental strain involved in artificial insemination, the author raises the question of the requirement to undergo such procedures to be "cured".

'Veset Haguf' - Physical premenstrual symptoms

Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Porat

Prof. Pesach Kleinman

Definition of the symptoms signifying the approach of the monthly cycle. A discussion of symptoms that do not appear in the Talmud is offered, with determination of rulings regarding Veset Haguf

Kidney Donation From a Patient With no Heart Activity

by Rabbi Dr Mordechai Halperin

The need for kidney donation grows yearly: The srticle deals with the Halachic possibility of using the kidney of a patient with no heart activity. The main questions dealt with: Gain made of a deceased body; Nivul - desecration of the dead body; Burial of the body.

Fertility Treatment of a Mourner in Shiv'a

by Rabbi Arieh Katz

Discussion of the Halachic considerations regarding the prohibition against procreation in the first seven days of mourning - when there is need of medical intervention, and the window of ovulation will close.

Compensation for Medical Negligence

Rabbi Gavriel Toledano

A discussion of the damages owed by a doctor who caused harm in the course of medical treatment

Doctor's Strike - Legal and Ethical Aspects

by Doctor Avraham Weinroth, LLB

Introduction, survey and discussion of the question regarding medical personnel on strike. From the legal standpoint - labor law, strikes and damages; and from the ethical standpoint - fairness, obligation and trust. From the legal-constitutional standpoint - human dignity and personal rights.'

Halachic Meaning of "Ongoing Lifesaving Mitzvah"

by Rabbi Yehonatan Blass

Emergency personnel work every day of the week, including Shabbat. What are the Halachic options available for combining the saving of lives and explicit prohibitions - when the conflicting situations are constantly repeating?

Responsum - Prayer for a Person in 'Brain-Death'

Rabbi Re'em Hacohen

Question regarding a patient who suffers from irreversible cessation of brain function, and whether it is a prayer in vain.

Bibliography of Medical-Halachic Literature

by Rabbi M. Wunder

Annotated bibliography of 432 Hebrew books, articles, and responsa which appeared in 5769-5770. Arranged by topics and indexed by the author.