use of porcine materials in dental surgery


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I am about to have dental implant surgery. Quoting from the leaflet – "The actual surgery involves uncovering the jawbone by lifting back the gum,drilling a precisly sized hole in the bone and placing the implant in its final position.Depending on the anatomy of the proposed site,it may be necessary to increase the volume of bone. Materials used may be…non human material ( bovine ,porcine )…Please note that Australian legislation prohibits you to become a blood donor following use of bovine material."

There is the alternative of synthetically mfg material. However the risk of infection is greater with synthetic material. I understand that the material derived from pig is used to protect the bovine material until it heals and dissolves in your mouth. ( as opposed to the synthetic material that has to be removed increasing risks.


-1 Is there any Issur in using any any derived material that will remain permanently in the mouth ?

2 – and in particular is there any Issur using the pig material that will dissolve in the mouth.?

3 – is there any difference Le'chatchilla or Bi'dieved.?

I note that I spoke to rabbi Feitel Levin in Melbourne about this and he advised that as he has not seen any material on this matter ,that I should refer the question to you.

Thank you



There is no Issur when the porcine material is covered by the gum.

The only considerations in your process are the medical considerations


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