Turner's Syndrome- fertility & treatment


14 במרץ 2008

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dr Mordechai Halperin

My name is P. I have a daughter that is six and was just recently diagnosed with Turners Syndrome. I heard about you from one of the genetics doctors in Mount Sinai in New York. The reason I am trying to contact you is #1 She told me about an article that you wrote in reference to the infertility part of Turner's . I would like to get a copy of that if it is possible .

Secondly I wanted to know if you had any info on the following :

We have been to three endo's and they all reccomend gh for now and estrogen as needed when she grows older.As we are trying to make this desicion we also went to Dr. Ali in the Institute of Preventive Medicine in New York. He stated that he has never worked with a child with Turner's however he did help many kids that had problems growing for various other reasons by IV injectons of different types of vitamins and he also mentioned that if she does have ovaries he can get them to start working also by this method rather than estrogen and so forth. Does this make any sense to you ? or do we just go back to the regular Endo .

thanks so much


The questions being purely medical, belonging to endocrinology, cannot be answered within the framework of this project (the International Responsa Project), that deals with Medical-Halakhic questions.


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