The Science of the Test Described in Ketubbot 10b


2 בפברואר 2007

הרב המשיב: In our passage, the reference is to the smell of alcohol that is absorbed and circulated in the blood. This refers to small quantities of alcohol which is present in exhalations. With respect to “garlic,” the reference is to allicin (thio-2-propene-1-sulfinic acid S-allyl ester), a biologically active compound which is also responsible for the characteristic smell of garlic. Allicin is formed by chewing fresh garlic. This substance is absorbed into the blood, remaining there many hours (the half-life is fairly long). During this time it is expelled from the lungs during exhalations. This is the smell deriving from the mouth for which brushing the teeth does not help.


To: Ovum Committee

Subject: About Ketubot 10 b and medicine

Dear Mordechai Halperin

I read about the virginity test in ketubot 10b and wanted to know the emperic scientific plausibility of this working in reality

Firsty some women dont have a hymen when born therefore can get wrongly convicted – is this not so ?

Also hymen can break due to injuries prior to test therefore false positive result (if test works in a scientific sence rather that some sort of miracle providence)

Also cannot alcohol penetrate the inside vulva/delicate permeable internal walls of vagina and produce increased blood levels ?

What are your insights and views on this subject from a scientific perspective ?

Thanks for your help and insights on the subject in advance

(NB I am an Orthadox Jew and Scientist)


1. The concept “reicho nodef” appears elsewhere in the Talmud regarding someone who has eaten garlic.


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