the need for contraceptives after childbirth


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Good morning and Shabat shalom

I´m sephardic jew from Caracas venezuela.

My name is Isaac Amran. I have a medical question, and my Rab. David Perets Shlita, gave to me your email.

The question is the following:

My wife gave birth in Miami USA in january 14th, 2008 (ve shaa tova a little girl, first one) exactly two month ago. The doctor (Mauricio Bitran), is renombred in the jew community of Miami because he is the gynecologist prefered for the haredim jews for many reason. The principal question is that he say (the delivery was natural, no complications) that she have to take contraceptive pill for a YEAR, saying that the medical Halacha and doctors organization, in general recommended take the pill even in normal delivery. By the way, my wife is very healthy, no pain from the delivery.

I want your opinion if that is the right position in halacha terms because Rab. Perets said No pill, isn´t necessary.

Thank you very much and I hope that you can help me a lot.

Shabat Shalom


In Assia Book, Vol. IV (p. 175, Pub: the Schlesinger institute, Jerusalem, 1983) you may see the source by the Chazon-Ish, stating that even a healthy woman is allowed to use contraceptives for 6-12 months.

Nevertheless, if you have doubts, you should ask in person a qualified Rabbi.

The book is available for purchase through the Schlesinger institute website.


שאלות נוספות

המשך לשאלה 978

לחלוטין שאלתי היתה רצינית. ולא מדובר בדיון סתם כדי לדעת באופן תיאורטי. ויש נשים שמתגרשות בגלל דברים כאלו ואתם יודעים זאת. והמקרה הוא אמיתי וייתכן

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תרומת זרע וביצית

ראשית, תודה על תשובתכם לשאלתי (מכון שלזינגר. בקשתם הבהרות נוספות. האם גם לגבי תרומת ביצית קיים החשש של ממזרות? אם כן האם אתם מציעים לי

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