Studying to be e Mohel in Israel


10 באפריל 2011

הרב המשיב: ישראל בלפר


hello ,

i would like to ask if you could recommend me to a program which will educate medical trained students to become a mohel ?
i am a german jew , studying medecine and i would to practice as a mohel as well in order to serve my community in germany.
thank you very much for your help !
all the best  and shabbat shalom


Hello A.

Some doctors study the procedure of Millah within their Uerology residency but that is the medical procedure. In general, for a Mohel certificate sanctioned by the Cheif Rabbinate of Israel, a full course is necessary with the official exams at the end, such as the one offered by Machon Elya. You can also find a suitibally qualified Mohel to study under and then take the Cheif Rabbinate exams.


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לפני ארבעה חודשים הותקן לי התקן(הסוג שעולה 500 בערך) ומאז יש לי המון התקפים של כאב ודימומים כמעט כמו מחזור. רופאת נשים בדקה וראתה שההתקן

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