stem cell research in the course of university studies


23 במאי 2014

הרב המשיב: אחר


Good afternoon,

I am a third year biology student in Bar Ilan and am currently applying for labs to do a second degree. One of the labs i have applied to deals in stem cell research. I know that this is a controversial issue for social ethics and was wondering if there was a halachic issue with working in a lab with them? Are there any things I would not be able to do?
Many thanks
Shabbat Shalom


The halachic stand regarding stem cell research depends on the source and current state of the cells. In short, if there is still capability to implant the blastocysts and produce life, it is prohibited to destroy them or use them for research. If they have lost this capability it is permitted.
For a more detailed answer, please see the attached links and try to clarify the circumstances in the prospective research lab. You are welcome to contact us again for further guidance in your particular situation.
[See section 5 – Religious views; Section 8 – Recommendations in Israel.]

Meir Orlian


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