spanish medical ethics course


28 במאי 2010


I am now 54 years old. I studied biology at the University of Valencia (Spain) from 1970 to 1975 during the Francist Period. Since then many new questions have arisen in biology. Meanwhile, I have studied other fields: ecology, biological agriculture, natural medicine (self-taught), sexology (INCISEX – Madrid), sexual awareness for women, natural contraception… I have been active in health education. A few years ago, I returned to my first profession, namely adult education (I am a teacher in high school). My pupils are 14-18 years old. New questions have arisen in biology, questions which I do not fully understand. For example, stem cells, cloning, genetic engineering, euthanasia, abortion… At the same time, I have experienced during the last 12 years a connection with the Jewish people (perhaps because I am descended from a Morano family and my soul is seeking its Jewish roots). I have studied basic Hebrew and Judaism. I try to live in accord with what I learn and hope, eventually but not in the distant future, to convert with help of Heaven together with my small family and to become part of the Jewish people whom I so dearly love. I have visited in Israel 5 times, and I hope to end my days there. For the last 4 years I have been studying the Holocaust. I am involved with the official commemoration of Holocaust Day at my place of work (27 January). For this reason, I have taken an internet course through Bar Ilan University. This summer I was in the first Spanish language course offered at Yad ve-Shem for teachers. For this, I need to learn Jewish medical and biological ethics. I have spoken with Rabbi Dr. Moshe Stroe about what I need and he referred me to you. Can you help me? Do you have a bibliography or articles in Spanish on this subject? The Rabbi told me that you have courses for professionals in the field. Is this so? Do you have a course in Spanish? or French (I know French better than English as my native language is Catalan), or any other romance language? Can I take one of your courses? Please let me know. When I finished my degree in 1975, I began to work right away to support my modest family. That is why I could not continue for a doctorate. Now, at my advanced age, I am considering studying for a doctorate. I want to deal with the biological basis of Nazism and/or the horrible medical experiments they performed. After my course at Yad ve-Shem, I remained in Israel a short time and researched Spanish bibliographies in the library and photocopied all the material I found on these subjects in order to study it here. I considered going to the Medical Faculty at the University of Valencia (90 km from my home). There they told me that they have a programme in the History of Medicine and that they could help me. Could I do a doctorate with you? Do you have a connection with any Spanish University so that I could already start here? From Spain, I thank you with all my heart. May it be the will of the G-d of Israel that you be blessed with bounty. I hope that you will be able to respond positively. Sincerely, Shavua Tov, L B B



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