situations where abortion can be considered


1 בינואר 2016

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear Rabbi Dr Halperin shlita We gave a seminar on medical ethics and I used the articles from Jewish Medical Ethics, and they were very well received.
Also I appreciate Professor Steinberg’s answer in our previous questions. I work with a doctor and we use it le’meisa.
1. Is it permissible to clone humans or animals?
2. Could you send us the rulings about abortion if a woman has a) measles b) down syndrome foetus (if it can be checked) c) been raped
3. When may an abortion be carried out, if a woman says that mentally she cannot keep the pregnancy? Thank you Bechavod Rav


A(1) Please look up the following article (Eng. & Heb versions):
Human Cloning: Scientific, Ethical, and Jewish Perspectives, Steinberg Avraham; Loike John; in: JME Book Vol. I, pp.191-209
שיבוט בני אדם: היבטים מדעיים, מוסריים ויהודיים     פרופ' אברהם שטיינברג, אסיא סא-סב, עמ' 27-42
A(2) It is not so simple, and even might be impossible to give general rulings for these situations, as some specific details may change the rulings.
Therefore, the right course of action is to ask a Rov in each specific case.
A(3) In general, we know the rule of 'Lev yodeaa marat nafsho' so if the woman is sure that continuation of the pregnancy may endanger her life abortion should be permitted. But we should be very careful to avoid an abuse of such a statement by others.
Therefore, we cannot avoid a private discussion with a psychiatrist and with a Rov.




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