siamese twins


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


i am presently writing a project about siamese twins and the halachic laws concering them. i would like to know under the jewsih law what should doctors do when 1) only one of the twins have a chance to live if separated, but one is not weaker than the other, one or the other may survive. 2) what happens if one is has less chance of surviving than th eother is separated 3) if one is almost certain to die and the other will be able to survive when separated. 4) should we operate if they both have equal chances of survival

Thank you



Pleas see:

The Surgery: An Agonizing Choice, by Donald C. Drake (The Philadelphia Inquirer) JME book vol II, pp. 399 – 414.

So One May Live, by Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler, Ph.D. JME Book Vol II, pp. 415 – 421/

Siamese Twins: Rav Feinstein’s Ruling and the Subsequent Controversy, by Rabbi Mordechai Halperin, M.D. JME Book Vol II, pp. 422 – 426.

Conjoined Twins: 2000 Version, by Mrs. Leora Moshe, JME Book Vol II, pp. 427 – 431.

If you will have any further questions please contact us again.


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