science studies for the greater good


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: ישראל בלפר


Hope all is well!! This isn't a medical halachic question, but rather a career/advice quesiton that perhaps you could help me with. I've talked to Rabbis that I am close with about it but they don't know much about medicine/science so I thought you could point me in the right direction.

I'm a baal teshuvah (I now follow Chabad customs) that spent most of his life studying science and I'm now in my last semester of Cornell University going for a degree in biomedical engineering. Since I started getting into Torah, I've spent more time thinking about the value of medicine and research. At first I wanted to give up on my science career entirely, but I think that its my obligation to use science for holy purposes.

As I try and finish up my degree here and move forward with my studies, I'd like some guidance on how to use science best to serve Hashem. While I have background in engineering, research and (a little) in medicine, I think that the best use of science is mainly for medicine. Indeed, there's a specific mitzvah to heal, and although by doing biomedical research one can also contribute to healing, a doctor is one who actually heals and fulfills this mitzvah in the best way.

What I'm looking for are some Jewish doctors/researchers whom I could contact for some advice.

Please let me know if you know anyone (preferably English speakers who have email).

Thank you so much!!




I believe that your scientific progress is more important than just your "obligation to use science for holy purposes", as all man's actions should be. You have the unique opportunity to make Tikkun Olam on a level that most people do not. More importantly, one finds the higher purpose in that which motivates him the most, so your passion for scientific research is a crucial element in making this research truly a Kiddush Hashem.

For a thorough understanding of the relationship between Judaism, Halacha and Technology, you should contact Rabbi Faitel Levin, of the Machon L'Smicha in Brighton East Hebrew Congregation (Chabad), Australia. Rabbi Levin has investigated the relationship of science and Judaism extensively (see his article in Tchumin Vol. 7, or his book "Halacha, medical science, and technology: Perspectives on contemporary Halacha issues")

His email is:

Please get back to us with any more questions and deliberations.


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