residency without Shabbos accomodations


6 ביוני 2014

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Lkavod HaRav/ HaRabanim, I was fortunate to have trained for Internal Medicine at a shomer shabbos residency in New York.
I am about to start a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine this July BE"H. This next level of my training doe not offer me shabbos accommodations.
Everything at the new hospital is online via computer ( lab values, radiology, orders, old medical records, etc.) I will need to access a computer on the shabbos when I am on call, how can I do this?
Am I able to drive myself to or from the hospital Friday night after work or Shabbos morning before or after my call; there are 4 hospitals I will rotate through, some have access with public transportation while others do not.
Are there other shabbos issues I should be aware of; I understand that I should minimize m'lacha, such as writing ( or write with a shinui).
Have a good shabbos,


  1. in general, it is permissible to take part in such a program if and only if the following terms are met-
    One: Halachic knowledge on the doctor's part, enabling him/her to tell what actions are forbidden MiDeoraitah or MiDerabanan; In what situations even the first type of Issurim are allowed, or only the latter kind.
    Two: strong personal character enabling him/her to stand the Halachick ground and refrain from Chillul Shabbos when forbidden, even if for such a stand the Residency position will be lost.
    If both terms are not met- it is not permissible.
    If both are met- it is allowed, and in some cases is even a Mitzvah.
  2. about driving home, you are not allowed to drive home on Shabbat, unless the driver is a gentile.
  3. In the hospital, you may use the computer for medical routine only "BeShinuy". For precise instruction, on what Shinuy is, you should consult a qualified Rabbi.


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