יחס ההלכה לניתוח קיסרי אלקטיבי
שלום וברכה, אני מחפש חומר לעבודה סמינריונית על נושא "ניתוח קיסרי אלקטיבי" בעיניים הלכתיות. העבודה תדון בשאלה האם מותר להכנס לסיכון של ניתוח קיסרי מבחירה
Thank you in advance for attending to my questions.
My name is Daniel Aronov, I'm a doctor currently working as a hospital resident in Melbourne Australia.
I have 2 questions:
1. I am currently on rotation in the Emergency Department in a hospital in Melbourne, Australia. I am rostered on for the Friday night of Yom Kippur of this year. I have been desperately trying to swap out of it. Am I allowed to lie and call in sick in order to keep Yom Kippur, or is it better not to lie and to work.
2. I have just been given a job for next year which will be as a family doctor. This means that thank G-d, as of next year, I will not be required to work Shabbos and Yom Tovim anymore. I still have 5 months left as a hospital resident which means that I will have to work the occasional Shabbos and I am rostered on for Sukkot as well. Now, I have my job for next year irrespective of what I do for the rest of the year. In other words, my current job as a hospital resident isn't contributing to my career progression. Am I obligated to quit my job in order to avoid working Shabboses and Yom Tovim (if I do I will also get out of my Yom Kippur dellema)?
I would really appreciate your answer.
Thank you so much.
1. Continue trying to find an alternate arrangement. If there is any means of avoiding working on Yom Kippur through unpaid vacation, "personal issues," "inability to work," paying a coworker a reasonable sum, etc., or if sick days can be taken without need to confirm illness – you should do so. However, if you need to declare that you are ill (and certainly if you need to bring a physician's note) – you may not lie. Bending the truth (without outright lying) is permitted only when the other side is threatening or cheating you unfairly and you need to balance the situation. (See Y.D. 232:14) In this regard, Yom Kippur is not significantly different than Shabbos.
2. The question of quitting your residency depends on the degree of need for your professional training and qualification as a doctor. Please provide more information as to whether you feel it valuable and necessary.
Meir Orlian
שלום וברכה, אני מחפש חומר לעבודה סמינריונית על נושא "ניתוח קיסרי אלקטיבי" בעיניים הלכתיות. העבודה תדון בשאלה האם מותר להכנס לסיכון של ניתוח קיסרי מבחירה
לכבוד הרב שלום לצערי,אין רשימה מסודרת של תוספי מזון וגלולות הכשרים לפסח ,כמו בתרופות. עד שגורם כלשהוא יקח על עצמו לייצר מאגר כזה ולאחר שעברתי
בס"ד שלום כבוד הרב, אשמח לדעת האם יש תרופה להרפס (קונבנציונלית / הומאופתית) שאני יכולה לשים בשבת, על מנת שההרפס לא יגדל ויתפתח? אם כן,