questions on prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


My name is *** and i am a biotechnology student.

i am doing research about prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome

I will be glad to get answer about the following questions :

Does the Jewish religion in favor of abortions? In which cases?

Prenatal diagnosis Down Syndrome allows parents the choice of continuing or terminating an affected pregnancy. Is a Down Syndrome an adequate reason for having an abortion?

Is it right to prevent Down Syndrome couples from marrying and Raising children?

Is" what best for the child" preferable to its right to live?

What is the Jewish religion position about prenatal diagnosis generally and in Down syndrome particulary?

Should the rabanut have a role in the public debate on this issue?

Are there any references at the Jewish text that raise and discuss the topic?

thank you


Q1-2: See Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, (A. Steinberg. Pup. Feldhim publishers, Jerusalem – New York, Vol I, pp. 1 – 29.

Q3: See Assia 57 – 58, pp. 14 – 16 (Hebrew)

Assia 61 – 62, pp. 131 – 138 (Hebrew)

Assia 67 – 68, pp. 131 – 138 (Hebrew).

Q4: The right to live is one of the details which included in the search after "the best for the child,

See Assia 71 – 72, pp. 25 – 39 (Hebrew).

See also Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics (A. Steinberg. Pup. Feldhim publishers, Jerusalem – New York, Vol. 3, Terminally ill, pp. 1046 – 1088).

Q5: See Assia 77 – 78, pp. 73 – 75 (Heb).

Assia 77 – 78, pp. 76 – 89 (Heb).

Assia 77 – 78, pp. 90 – 95 (Heb).


שאלות נוספות

צום למעוברת שבוע 12

שלום לכבוד הרב, אשתי ב"ה בהריון בשבועות הראשונים. בבקורה הראשון אצל רופאת הנשים, אמרה לה הרופא (מעצמה) שלמעוברת עד שבוע 12 אסור לצום, ולפחות חייבת

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