Pregnancy for 49 year-old mother of 6


20 בינואר 2017


Kvod Harav Halperin,

I hope you are well.
I live in Basel, Switzerland and I am 38 years old, a mother of 6 children and would like to have one more child. My husband is 49 years old.  Because my risk of having a child with down syndrome is elevated (one in 150), I would like to take part in the test that identifies fetal cells in maternal blood (usually done on the 9th week of pregnancy) and hope that the test shows everything is okay.
If the test is positive, I know that Harav ovadya and some Ashkenasy poskim permit a termination of a pregnancy of a down syndrome child (after varification of the test) if it is done in the first trimester of pregnancy and after consulting a Rabbi to look at the specific case ( in my case I wouldn’t want to go threw the extreme difficulty posed by raising a down syndrome child and take from the children I have now). If such a possibility doesn’t exist, I would not plan on getting pregnant. What I also thought of is to do the blood test in the 7 weeks plus a few days and also to fly directly to the laboratories that does the test instead of sending the blood, this way it is still within the 40 days of pregnancy (the down side is that the test is not as good).
Would it be possible to talk over the phone? Or in person?
Kol Tuv and thank you in advance,



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