preemptive mastectomy with history of BRCA1 in the family


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Rabbi Dr. Halperin,

I wanted to ask a question.

A women that has family history of Breast cancer and is a carrier of BRCA1 is she allowed to have a surgery to remove her breasts (as preventative

measure) although

she was not diagnosed with cancer.

If I understand correct this will make her AKARAH.

Thanks a lot,



1. Jewish law does permit a healthy woman who has tested positive for a mutation in the BRCA 1 gene to undergo a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy.

A person is allowed to put himself at risk in order to avoid more severe risk in the future.

2. Also, see Tr. Avoda Zara 27 b (or the Rodkinson translation thereof)

3. Bilatural mastesectomy (=removing the breasts) does not make the woman AKARA

4. Removal of the overies when indicated is a cause of infertility

5. The time and the age for such surgery should be discussed carefuly with the woman's physician


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