Practicing plastic surgeon in different hospitals – on Shabbat


20 באוקטובר 2017

הרב המשיב: אחר


I am a Plastic Surgeon working at a number of hospitals, some of them up to 50km apart. Although I try to limit being on call on shabbos as much as possible, when I am on call, I am often on call for multiple hospitals, requiring travel from home to those sites and between sites when emergency calls come through. It is difficult to arrange for a driver and often, finding a taxi/Uber is unreliable. Is there any provision for me to be able to drive to these hospitals, which will ensure I can get to the patients in an appropriate time?


In principle, if you need to get to the hospital for an emergency call, you can drive if difficult to arrange for a driver.
However, this should be the exception, not the rule. In general, you should arrange for a driver or taxi/Uber, and drive yourself only when it doesn't work out.
(This was the ruling of Rav S.Z. Auerbach zt"l, cited by Rav Mordechai Halperin in Refuah,Metzius v'Halacha, p. 40.)
You should assess the situation based on the above principles. If you need further clarification, please feel free to contact us again.

Rabbi Meir Orlian


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שינוי גופני

רציתי לשאול- מה דעת ההלכה על שינוי גופני- כמו ניתוחים פלסטיים, ואפילו צביעת שיער, ובשונה- הרכבת משקפיים. האם זוהי התערבות במעשה ד' וכאילו לא נוח

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