הפסק טהרה לאחר גרידה (שבוע 11)
שלום.אישתי עברה גרידה לעובר שהפסיק לו הדופק בשבוע ה 11.ברצוני לדעת מה ההלכה לגבי הפסק הטהרה?
Dr. Halperin
I am a student at the University of Idaho and doing a research project comparing foreign policies on biotechnology and was wondering if you or any of your staff could possibly help me answer and or suggest any resources that could help me address the following questions regarding Israel:
What specific laws and or regulations does Israel have in order dealing with stem cell usage/research, reprogenetics, ART and using surrogate mothers? Who does the Bioethics Advisory Committee of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities advise? Lawmakers, the Prime Minister?
Thank you very much!!
1. Regarding Ste-Cell research, there are recommendations by the Bioethics Advisory Committee of the Israel Academy of Sciences, The Use of Embryonic Stem Cell for Therapeutic Research, JME Book Vol. II, pp.127-158 (2006); JME 4,2 pp.38-53 (2004)
2. There are several laws dealing with fertility topics:
a. Surrogacy law (1996)
b. Egg donation law (2010)
Aside frm the laws, there are many regulations in place for these topics. However all of the material is in Hebrew.
3. Material in English for the topics you mentioned with pertaining to Mishpat Ivri (Jewish Jurisprudence) see the book series Jewish Medical Ethics (JME):
Vol. I, part 2, Genetics, pp. 167-296
Vol. II, part 2, Fertility, Infertility, pp. 121-203
Vol. III, Part 3, Male Infertility, pp. 215-286
4. Also see Responsum #7340
שלום.אישתי עברה גרידה לעובר שהפסיק לו הדופק בשבוע ה 11.ברצוני לדעת מה ההלכה לגבי הפסק הטהרה?
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