pictures of body-parts in medical text books


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' אברהם שטינברג


Dear IRP,

Hope all is well!

I'm engaged in the study of medicine and in modern medical textbooks there is very little (if any) restraint in what pictures they post of people and body parts. Ranging from very explicit diagrams, to real-life pictures of private organs, both living and otherwise, to pictures of cadavers etc…

I know the Lubavitcher Rebbe opposed using cadavers for medical study but beyond that I'm not sure.

My feeling is these pictures are not appropriate, but firstly it's very hard to avoid, especially when studying the reproductive system.

Please let me know what you suggest. If there are any differences with regard to custom I follow Chabad-Lubavitch custom

Thanks so much!


You ask about pictures. What will you do when you have to examine women? I do not know what the Chabad-Lubavitch custom is and perhaps you shoud contact one of their Rabbis for advice on this and future problems that you will face both as a student and as a practicing physician


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שלום רב, אשתי בהריון בשבוע 9. במשך 4 ימים היה לה דימום קל מאוד, שנראה יותר כמו כתמים חומים, וההבחנה הרפואית באולטרא סאונד היא: "באזור

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