Physiotherapy and Halacha


16 בספטמבר 2011

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


As someone who is about to start studying physiotherapy at university, I would appreciate any specific information you have about the halachot involved treating patients.
I am aware that in clinical practice there are times when it is neccesary for patients to not be clothed or for the practicioner to touch them etc. These are issues that would arise for physiotherapists, doctors or any other medical proffesional. I was told by a Rabbi I asked about possible problems in physiotherapy that according to the Rabbis who pasken after consulting Prof. Rabbi Avraham Steinberg, the halacha is far more complicated for physiotherapy than medicine. He said this was because the work of a doctor and physiotherapist are different, and because physiotherapy can involve actual massage, therefore there are fewer leniencies. But he was no more specific than that. I would appreciate any information you have about this
Also, as far as I understand, when physiotherapy students are required to practice traetment methods on each other before treating patients, there is no leniency here with regard to clothing or touching students of the opposite gender. Is this correct?
Thank you


1. Please see the following publication in ASSIA 82-83, p. 79 (in Hebrerw) by R. Shafran and R. Toledano with the rulings of R. Neventzal
2. If you have difficulty in reading Hebrew, it is recommended that you haveb this paper translated. If you do – please send us a copy so we can verify its compatibility with the original.


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