Performing a tubal ligation – halachik concerns


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין



Hi I am an Orthodox Jew and a 3rd year med student in the Technion American Medical Students Program. Yesterday was the first time I was helping with a C-section and I guess I was very focused on the mechanical part of the procedure, so when the Dr informed me that I they were also performing a tubal ligation, I mechanically performed the procedure-(the woman was not Jewish).

So, my question is, was what I did against halacha? Also, is assisting in a D&C procedure (on a non-Jewish woman) also against halacha? I really do not want to do the wrong thing.




One should not be involved in any procedure causing sterility in Jew or non-Jew, male or female, Except for cases where the procedure is necessary for preventing mortal danger.

A D&C procedure not involving an abortion is OK

Regarrding Tubal Ligation, see Nishmat Avraham, (English edition, Artscroll Mesorah, New York) Vol III – Even Haezer, P. 68 section iv

Regarding Abortions, see Nishmat Avraham, (English edition, Artscroll Mesorah, New York) Vol III -Choshen Mishpat, Chapter 19, pp. 278-302.

See p. 278 regarding the prohibition, and p. 284 concerning the case of danger to the mother's life.


שאלות נוספות

PGD למניעת המופיליה

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