non shomer shabbos surgical residency


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


I have looked hi and low and i cannot find a shomer shabbos surgical residency. Is it mutar to knowing join a non shomer shabbos surgical residency if there is no option of a shomer shabbos one?


I do not believe that there is an official shomrei Shabbos surgical residency in the US although you should try the grapevine for unofficial posts that may allow you to have Shabbos off (talk to surgical residents). Otherwise I know of no way you can take an ordinary residency without having to mechallel Shabbos many many times each Shabbos you are on – writing, lights, endoscopies, suturing, operating etc etc most of which will have nothing to do with pikuach nefesh!

Please, please do not take non-shomrei Shabbos residency. Write to Dr Eisenberg in Phili – maybe he can help


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