Medical School – for a Cohen


27 באפריל 2018


I am considering making Aliyah, and want to ensure that I have a viable thought-out potential life plan ahead of me. I am interested in becoming a doctor, and am also a Kohen. I know this can be very problamatic, both because of medical schools that have classes in which the students must work on cadavers, and because hospitals often have dead bodies, especially if the morgue is in the same "ohel" as the hospital building.
In general, are there ways for Kohanim to work around these issues? Do medical schools give religious exemptions of some sort to Kohanim? Are there ways to work around the issue of being in a hospital? Obviously, being Israel, there are certain instutions such as Shaarei Tzedek that act according to Halacha and may resolve many of these problems. However, it is important for me to understand the general policies and circumstances across the spectrum of medical schools and hospitals in Israel, as I can't assume I will get accepted into one or two specific instutions (be it for medical school or for a job later in life).
Thank you in advance,



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