medical professional help with intemacy problems


2 ביולי 2010

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Sholom I write to you on recomendation of I would like to get in contact with a med. profesional that is frum Backround: I am frum chabad maried many years.

I live in non frum place. I speak English. Question concerning; intemacy, premeture (within seconds…) ejaculation.

I would like advise from halacha + hashkofo.

I hope you can help.

Thank you!



Perhaps some other medical info that may be related:
– At age 11, 12 , 13 I have been using growing medication [hormone?, I think it was called ANVAR].
– (I have a blood (clotting) deficiency; Factor XI (Eleven).
– LATELY I have the feeling that by urinating the bladder does not always fully emties. But the problem I am asking about hase been all the time.
I hope to hear from you soon.


We might be able to help, if you provide more specific details. Are there medical issues, psychological ones, etc.


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