Klinefelter’s Syndroma


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear Rabbi Mordechaï Halperin,

I heard speak that you were the specialist in the cases of infertility and the cases of hypogonadism in Israel according to Halakha. Indeed, I was born with Klinefelter’s Syndroma from form XXY. When I was hospitalized in pediatry in 1986, one made me a chromosomic chart without my knowledge. At the time of my hospitalization in 2003 for intensive attack of asthma to the care, a doctor spoke to me that I was carrying this syndroma. I then discovered it late, in 2003.

My testicles are not at all developed and are very small. Since September 2004, I met a doctor endocrinologist here in Switzerland which make me an injection of testosterone each approximately 3 week. With each injection, I suffer from many side effects such as: puffs of heat, nausea, headaches violent one, giddiness.

The problem is that I do not dare to speak to her about it about all my problems for fear it leaves me. I would like to ask to you whether there would not be a treatment which I could quickly approach if I’m flying to Israel ?

Have the kindness to answer me quickly bus if you think that you will be able to look after to me I owe reserve of the dates of leave and to take a plane ticket. How much does a complete treatment cost approximately?

I am sincerely sorry but my English is very bad. My mother tongue is French and I can say only some Hebrew sentences.

Thank you very much of your fast answer.


1. It is hard to answer such a serious question without all the medical details.

2. Please try to contact Prof. B. Bartov, the director of the Male Infertility Laboratory at Bar-Ilan University.

Tel: +972-3-534-3328 +972-3-531-8219

3. After following his recommendations, please contact us again.


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