Hydrancephalic babies – candidates for organ donation?


24 ביוני 2011

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear IRP,

A hydrancephalic baby was recently born in our unit. Her parents, aware of her condition from an early gestational age, chose to continue the pregnancy for religious reasons. She was delivered at 41 weeks and transferred to the NICU. Upon delivery her APGARs were 9 & 10. I recall  the literature stating that anencephalic fetuses, upon delivery, would be suitable candidates for organ donation according to most poskim. Has there ever been a discussion of hydrancephalic babies?



Harvesting organs for a baby with anenchpaly is the subject of debate between the great halachic authorities of our generation. Rav Yitzchak Zylberstein shilta writes that it is permissible to harvest organs from a baby with anencephaly. (See Sefer Asia XIII, pp. 48-49.) On the other hand, Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt"l prohibits this. (See Nishmat Avraham, ed. 2007, vol. I (Orach Chaim), siman 330, note 23(2)., pp 50-54, and Sefer Assis XIII, pp. 50-54.)
On the other hand, everyone agrees that it is not permissible to harvest organs from a baby with hydrancephalus, because the skull is complete.


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