GyneFix IUD


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין



I'm searching for the GyneFix IUD device near me in Rehovot, Israel, but I only find Dr. Uriel Levy in Haifa. I cannot travel to him, can you recommend another doctor that can input this decvice that is near Rehovot?

Thanks so much.

I found you from your article online:




The Israeli physician who has the largest experience in installing Geinfix is Dr. Uri Levy Tveria Illit.

Although Dr. Levy recently stopped accepting new patients, nonetheless it is worth-while to phone and ask him for names of physcians in your region.

Dr. Levy's phone is: 04-6750856


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