genetically modifying a baby’s genes


16 ביוני 2006

הרב המשיב: A safe procedure of designing the baby's genes is not prohibited unless some other prohibited acts are involved.




My name is Sydney Kaufman. I am in the 10th grade at Fuchs Bet Sefer Mizrachi located in Cleveland, Ohio. In my Halachah class, we were assigned to do a progect of writting a (made-up) shaila related to refuah. At first I directed my question to the Yoatzot Halachah at Nishmat, and they redirsted it to you guys.

This is my question…

I have been trying to have a successful pregnancy for 4 years. It’s been very painful for me and my husband to face the fact that it was almost impossible for us to get pregnant and/or not loose a baby. I have had 3 miscarriages, and many attempts to get pregnant were unsuccessful. If I were to get pregnant again, there would be a very high risk the baby could be born with severe genetic disorders. On my side of the family, there is a high risk that our child will be born with Cystic Fibrosis. And, on my husband’s side, there is also a risk that the baby might be born with Fragile X Syndrome. At last, this year we discovered a method that would prevent the baby from being at risk of any problems genetically. The doctor suggested that we go through a safe procedure of genetically designing the baby’s genes; it would guarantee that our child would be born safely and in good health. Would it be halachicly permissible for us to go through the process of genetically modifying the baby’s genes to give this child the opportunity for life?

Thank you so much for your time!

P.S. I've never been to this website before. I'm just wondering if the respondant's name is included in thier response…If not, I would like to ask you to include your name so that I can give you credit for your response.

Thanks so much again!




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