exams and driving on shabat for medical students


30 במאי 2014

הרב המשיב: A physician is allowed to go in a car on Shabbat if no action is taken , no opening door, or driving - just passive in the transport, but a student, even medical student, is not allowed. Nevertheless, when a student is part of the staff that treats patients in a hospital, he/she is allowed to use this method.
3. On Shabbat, when ever food is cooked for a Jewish person, the food or drink is forbidden even if the person doing the cooking is not Jewish. We will be happy to keep in touch and assist in the various problems that arise in Jewish medical studies & practice, and in particular during your important training.


Dear Rabbi, I am a medical student in the grand cayman islands at St Matthews University.
We are currently encountering a problem with admistration of a written exam on Rosh hashana. Is it permissible to write with a shinuy to take the exam? Second issue , related to the first .
Can I go in a car on Shabbat to get to classes if I do no no action , no opeing door, or driving …
just passive in the transport?
Thirdly , Can I ask someone before shabbat to microwave my food on shabbat when i let him know I am hungry?
There are several of us who are orthodox jews out here and want to know if there would be any heter as we encountering many challenges out here.
thanks for your help !


The answers to your questions are negative.


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