divorce from a person suffering from Mania


27 ביוני 2014

הרב המשיב: אחר


I am looking for articles and teshuvot on mania with regard to giving a get. Thanks. DF


Three articles relating to your topic are:

"Halachic Sensitivity to the Psychotic Individual: the Shoteh," by Rael Strous, M.D in ASSIA – Jewish Medical Ethics, Vol. IV, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 30-34.

"Psychiatry and Halacha: Psychotics and Retarded Persons," by Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Farbstein, in Proceedings of the First International Colloquium pp.257-273 (1996).

"עיתים חלים ועיתים שוטה, והחלמה חלקית" מאת הרב משה מרדכי פרבשטיין בספר "משפטי הדעת" ובספר "רפואה והלכה: הלכה למעשה", עמ' 121-134 (2006).

Rabbi Meir Orlian


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