chronic pelvic pain syndrome


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear Rabbi Halperin:

I am a single, 29 year-old Jewish male. For the past several months I have had symptoms of a condition known as prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It has involved urinary frequency and urgency, as well as moderate to severe pain in the pelvis. While the pain has somewhat subsided, I have been unable to get and especially to sustain an erection. I even had these ED symptoms months before I contracted CPPS, in which I could attain but lose an erection, which I understand is 'venous leakage'. I probably brought this on myself, and plan to visit with a therapist to discuss possible depression. But, although urologists have dismissed my concerns, I am quite certain my ED has organic causes. Most prominently, I do not have the same amount or quality of nocturnal penile tumescence.

While I have kept kashrut and Shabbat for several years, I have not learned enough halachically to know what the implications of my condition are should I want to marry and have a family. Am I even allowed to marry? I have read discouraging accounts both of viagra/cialis and surgery for long-term improvements in venous leakage. If that is what I have, have you seen cases of men who have improved from these or other treatments? Notwithstanding my previous experiences, I do not plan to be with a woman prior to marriage, but I do fear that I will remain forever alone.

I apologise for going into all the detail, Rabbi, but I wanted to give sufficient background information about my situation. I understand you cannot diagnose me from afar but I would be grateful for your thoughts.

With best regards,


Your question is a pure medical one.

My medical experience shows that over 90% of the E.D ceases have an organic origin.

So the only suggestion that I can give here is to see a physician who has a good experience in the treatment of E.D.


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