carring a medication for severe anaphylaxis on shabbat


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


My son has an Epipen for severe anaphylaxis (fish and nut allergies. One source I looked up said it was ok to carry it on Shabbos? Is this right?


Shalom,Shavua tov

Thank you very much for your reply. May I ask a further question please?

As you know if, g-d forbid, he would need to use the epipen, he needs to be able to reach it fast. I think strapped to the arm or thigh would make this problematic.

Do you know in practical terms, how people actually carry it? For example, would a lenghth of elastic, say, tied around the epipen and then put across the shoulder (like a lady's handbag) between the vest and shirt be ok?

He is in yeshiva in Jerusalme right now so of course he can carrry it, but the problem arises in London.

Thank you


If you live where there is an eruv there is no problem. If there is no eruv he should carry it in an unusual manner, for example, between his shirt and his vest or strapped to his thigh or upper arm.

Yes, provided that it is carried in a a place which is not a public thoroughfare by Torah law and it is carried an unusual fashion e.g. strapped around the leg.


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