Authority in the realm of halacha and medicine


30 במרץ 2012

הרב המשיב: אחר


How is a Halachic Authority defined?
Which Halachic Authorities have particular expertise in Medical Ethics in Israel /UK ?
What (if any) situations can a do not resuscitate order be applied appropriately within the context of Orthodox Jewish Law
What is the validity of a Halachic Living Will (see interlink foundation uk) within 1)Jewish Law 2)UK Law
Is a Halachic Living Will valid if the patient is physically unable to sign it by reason of disability but there assessed as having capacity
How does Jewish Law assess capacity ?
Sorry to ask many questions but as a physician Ive never had exposure to Jewish Medical Ethics Before


1. Halachic authority is determined by the knowledge, experience, dedication to the halachic process, seniority, and public acceptance, similar to the way medical authority is determined. However, significant differences of opinion between authorities are common in the halachic realm, so that it is not possible to define a single Halachic Authority. For this reason, it is important that a person develop a relationship with a halachic authority who can serve as his personal mentor and guide.

2. In Israel, recognized authorities with particular expertise in medical halacha include: Rav S.Z. Auerbach and Rav E.Y. Waldenberg zt"l of the previous generation. Current authorities include: Rav Y.Y. Neuwirth, Rav Y. Zilberstyn, and Rav A. Weiss. Machon Schlesinger is dedicated to the field of medical ethics, and includes noted medical and halachic figures such as: Rav Dr. A.S. Abraham, author of Lev Avraham and Nishmat Avraham (available also in English); Prof. A. Steinberg, author of Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics; and others.
3. There are situations that a DNR order can be applied within the context of Orthodox Jewish Law. The circumstances are variable, though, so that it is important to consult a halachic authority in each specific case.
4. While not universally accepted, there is strong halachic basis for the Halachic Living Will. It is best to contact the Interlink Foundation directly regarding the halachic and legal implications in the UK.
5. The mentally competent decision for the HLW is most significant halachically, whereas the actual signature is of less significance. (Legal implications must be verified in UK.) Mental capacity must be determined on a case-by-case basis, in reference to the laws of shoteh, mental incompetence.
There is now a wealth of material available in English on Jewish Medical Ethics, including the Journal, Assia, published by Machon Schlesinger. For further English reading on the above topics, see:
b. "The Dying Patient Law, 2005," translated by V. Ravitsky and M. Prawer

Best Wishes,

Meir Orlian


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