attending a conference over the weekend


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


Im a resident in medicine and have been sponsored to attend a conference that goes from Friday to Sunday. I was wondering if you can guide me on if I am able to attend the conferences on the shabbat and what the procedure should be for me now and in the future when presented with a conference on the shabbat. Im not sure there will be a minyan in the area where the conference is scheduled to be.

Thank you


In principal, you may attend the Conference, even if there is no minyan that you can attend, only if you do not mechallel Shabbat even Rabbinically. However, there is a problem of mariit ma'ayin in that non-religious Jews who are there will surprised to see you there, especially if they know you or can tell from your appearance that you are religious. My advice to you is not to attend – you can always buy the tapes afterwards


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