animal castration – through mediation or chemically


26 בפברואר 2015

הרב המשיב: אחר


I had a question regarding animal castration.
Regarding a Jewish family who bought a male dog and will not get rid of it.
They would like to have it castrated to protect their daughter as the animal gets excited.
As animal castration is usually forbidden by Jews they are faced with a problem?
What options would be halachically permissible?
through a goy?
chemical castration through medication?


According to the Shulchan Aruch, castration of a male dog entails a Torah prohibition. (E.H. 5:11) The Gemara remains unresolved whether amira l'nochri (instructing a non-Jew), which is prohibited rabbinically on Shabbat, is prohibited also in other areas. The Shulchan Aruch and Rama rule that amira l'nochri applies also to other prohibitions, including castration. (E.H. 5:14; C.M. 338:6)

Thus, castration through a non-Jewish veterinarian is also not allowed. However, in cases of need, the Chasam Sofer (Responsa C.M. #185) allows through "heter mechira," selling to a non-Jew, who will have it castrated, and purchasing back from him. (See also Otzar Haposkim 5:83,85)

Rav Amar is further cited as having allowed amira l'nochri to castrate dangerous dogs on account of hezeka d'rabim (public danger). (See O.C. 334:27)

Castrating a male animal through medical means is also prohibited. (E.H. 5:12) Where the animal is in danger, some permit it even through a Jew and others only through a non-Jew. (Pischei Teshuva 5:12) However, from a veterinary perspective, castration through medication is less preferred.

Meir Orlian


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