an article by Fred Rosner on sex pre-determination


21 באפריל 2017

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I'm looking for an article published in the 1970-1980 by Fred Rosner on sex pre-determination. Could you please help me find it and obtain a copy? Assia Jew Med Ethics. 1980 May;7(1-2):44-51.


The correct bibliographical information for this article is Fred Rosner, "The Biblical-Takmudic Secret for Choosing One's Baby's Sex", ASSIA, 25-25 (vol. 7, 1-2, May 1980), pp. 44-51.
It is in the English section of the Hebrew publication, and not in the English 'ASSIA – Jewish Medical Ethics', which only later appeared as a seperate puclication.
The file is attached seperately in email


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שלום רב, יש לנו ב"ה 3 בנות ובן (לאו דווקא בסדר הזה). הקטנה בת שנה ו3 חודשים בערך. לפני כחודש התחלתי עבודה חדשה במשרה מלאה

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