A Cohen student in the same building as dead bodies


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


I would appreciate guidance on the following Sheilah that was asked of me.

A Cohen is studying for an MSc in Medical Ethics in Birmingham, England. Some of the lectures have just been moved to a room in the main Medical School building. In the basement of the medical school is a room where cadavers that are used by the medical students for studying anatomy are stored.

Is it permitted for this student to attend classes in the Medical School building? It is extremely unlikely that any of the cadavers are of Jewish people.

It would appear from my understanding of the Nishmas Avrohom that we are not choshesh about Tumas Ohel from a goy. Is this a correct interpretation?


The Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah (Siman 372:2) says "it is right to be careful" and the Rama says "it is right to act strictly" regarding tumat nochri beOhel. With regard to what I wrote in Nishmat Avraham (I presume you are referring to P278 in the Hebrew and page 360 in the English) the

permission to act leniently is because the Cohen is ill. This would therefore not be permissible merely to obtain a degree. However, if there are multiple doors between the basement where the cadavers are stored and room where the Cohen will be (also between where he enters until he reaches his room) such that there will always be at least one door closed between where he will be at any one time and the cadaver room it will be permissible for him to attend.


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