תרומת כליה תמורת תשלום


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Hello Dr. Halperin,

my name is XX I am from Germany and I will donate my kidney for some compensation to someone who needs a healthy kidney.

It is forbidden to get any compensation for a donation in Germany, because of law and ethical restriction.

But I think I should be able to decide what I want to do with my own body and when I can help to save live, why should not do it?

I am a healthy 33 years old Christian man, my blood type is O+ and I regularly made blood donations.

For me it is very difficult to find someone who needs a kidney.

On the other hand there are several people who suffer and need a donor, it is a paradox situation.

Maybe you can help me to find someone who need urgently a kidney.

Yours sincerely


1. We are most careful in refraining from any type of mediation in commercial organ transplantation.

2. Regarding the principle question of compensation or recompense for the donor, see my article "Organ Transplants from Living Donors" ; JME Book Vol. I, pp.407-426 (2004), especially pp. 418-424.

Also, the article by Eisenberg Daniel; "Organ and Tissue Donation" ; JME 6,2 pp.4-12 (2008). See p. 10 there.


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