תרומת ביציות


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Hi Dr Halperin Excuse me writing in English -its still much quicker for me…

For professional and personal reasons I want to learn more about ovum donation. Firstly from a halachic perspective.

eg what makes it OK and especially how is it that non Jewish eggs create Jewish children? Then all the practical issues:about which I have already heard conflicting opinions:

Can women in Israel donate/receive ova from other Israeli women ? anonymous or not? What is the situation with overseas, Europe and USA? I know a bit about the hadasaah arrangement in Europe and i have been reading about programmes in USA especially a company called Fertility Futures. But I have many questions regarding regulations,reliability of info,how one would deal with eggs from USA etc.

I would love to read whatever you have to give me on the topic. English is easier for me,but I am sure that much of the halachic material is only available in Hebrew. Then I would love to meet with you. We had a very fruitful meeting 4 yrs ago.Then we discussed sperm donation.

Wishing you and your family and happy healthy sweet year Shana Tova Thank you T



 please see my article "In-Vitro Fertilization, Embryo Transfer, and Embryo Freezing", Jewish Medical Ethics Vol II, pp. 162 – 171.


with special attention to pages 169 – 171, and the references there.


 A. Steinberg M.D., Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, pub. Feldheim Publishers (Jerusalem – New York, 2003) Vol. II, value "IVF", pp. 571 – 586.

with special attention to pages 577 – 580.


 Abraham S. Abraham, M.D., FRCP, Nishmat Avraham Pub: Artscroll Mesorah Publications' Volume III, Even Ha'Ezer & Choshen Mishpat, pp. 16 – 17.


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