פונדקאות בישראל לעולים חדשים


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Thank you for your time and information you gave me regarding surrogacy. My wife and I are planning on making aliya as soon as we can get our emigration papers sorted out (hopefully within the next month or two). There are a few questions we have regarding the surrogacy program.

1. Once we have made aliya, is there a waiting period before we can start the program?

2. Is there a waiting list for couples pursuing surrogate mothers, and as new immigrants would we have the same rights as other citizens?

3. Would it be possible for us to use our frozen embryos?

4. Could you please send us a list of the centers we could contact as well as an idea of the costs involved?

We would really appreciate your assistance. If there is any other information that would be of importance to us please would you forward that as well.


1. No, there is no waiting period except for the regular bureaucracy.

2. There is no waiting list. Once you’ve made aliya you will have the same access to the special committee as do all Israeli citizens.

3. Yes, you will be allowed to use your frozen embryos providing that they are genetically yours.

4. For more information, please contact Mrs. Etti Dekel, coordinator of the Special Committee for Authorizing Surrogacy Contracts, Ministry of Health:

Fax: (+972-2) 672-5842.


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שלום רב! לפני כשלושה שבועות התחילו לי גירודים ופריחה בשדיים. לא התיחסתי לזה ולפני 3 ימים יצא לי פצע מוגלתי בפיטמה. (אני לא מניקה)מה זה

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