מכשיר apap לתמיכת נשימה בשבת


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


I have read with great interest Rabbi Dr Halpern's responsa regarding the use of a cpap machine on Shabbat. I have just undergone a sleep study and am in the waiting stage before receiving delivery of my machine. I was told, however, that I would be prescribed an "apap" machine rather than cpap, which I understand is a cpap machine that automatically adjusts the air pressure based upon the "response" it receives from the patient/user. In other words, a smart machine. My question at this point is: if sleep apnia is indeed a condition which is considered pikuach nefesh, or since, baruch hashem people who have it and don't even know it survive somehow, it is not really pikuach nefesh. If it is pikuach nefesh then there should really not be any problem physically interacting with a "smart" machine on Shabbat. Right?


Dear Mr Kroen

You have already written to me and received my reply:

"Dr Halperin got his information from me. Sleep apnea is a situation of cumulative pikuah nefesh, meaning that if not treated the patient will eventually end up in an ICU. However, not using it for even one night can give rise to a possibility of pikuah nefesh depending on many other factors and therefore MUST be used every night. Where possible use a Shabbos clock to turn it on and off or else use the back of your finger to do so if you have to disconnect in the middle of the night.

Refuah Shlema"


R. Pr. A. S. Abraham


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