ייעוץ נישואין לזוג כהן וגרושה


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: אחר


Can a marriage counselor continue treating a couple after he learns that the husband is a kohen and the wife is a divorcee.

Can a therapist treat a non-religious couple who are at the brink of divorce and wish "shalom bayit" where the husband wishes to "return to the fold" and the wife is adamantly against it? The couple wish to focus on other issues and conflicts between them that create disharmony and estrangement and not on the irreconciable religious issue.

I thank you in advance.


Rabbi David Kaye answers

Absolutely not! The Torah clearly and explicitly prohibits a Kohen from marrying several women, one of whom is a gerusha (divorcee). As part of the Biblical imperative of “v’Kidashto” (and you shall sanctify him) is that a Kohein may not choose to be mivater, forgo his kedusha and marry such women. Furthermore, the Talmud (Yevamos 88b) understands that there is an affirmative imperative upon others to see to it that a Kohen maintains his “sanctified” status – v’Kidashto bal korcho. Rashi (Vayikra 21:8) thus says that such a Kohen who refuses to divorce his prohibited wife is to be given malkus until such time as he complies. [See also Shut. Rivash 348, Shut. Be’er Moshe 5:159]. There is no question that a frum therapist has the very same obligation as any other Jew and must do what he/she can to separate the couple.

However, as a marriage therapist there may be cogent reasons (licensure reasons, malpractice concerns) not to do so. But it is clear that the therapist can not continue to counsel and assist the couple. While there may be “professional” reasons not to take affirmative steps to “split them up”, the therapist must explain to the clients that he/she can no longer assist them in their marital problems/issues since they are in a prohibited relationship. This is no different from other situations in which a therapist discovers conflicts and must end the therapeutic relationship. Also, continuing to counsel the couple would violate the issur of lifnei iver… [Agav see Shut. Radvaz 187]


שאלות נוספות

שבוע 30

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