טיפול רפואי על ידי בן המין השני


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


i m 40 years my famle doc. is female smme tests she put on gloves some like bp or feet she taches me whitout gloves is a eisur in her ngiah in me

2 i need phisical teruphyfor kapot raglaiem below the knee most of p.t. are femals thay dont use gloves do i have to get throw alot of truble to find a clinic whith male pt

3 i heve pain from time to time in the testiculs jest vericose vain acording to my doc but my doc wont me to do ultrasound ones a year to rull out. the problem is thateven i try to bait my lips and to contcetreid on difrent things i ejuculet from charada or busha even without real erection what can i do shuld i not take this test please halp me sorry to bother you toda raba


1. No problem if she has gloves. You should change to a male family doctor to avoid future problems.

2. No.

3. You should not take the test.


שאלות נוספות

ווסת לא סדיר

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