טיפול והשקעת משאבים באויבים מוצהרים


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: אחר



I understand that Nathan Straus and Henrietta Szold demanded that services be provided without regard to "race or creed". I understand that today Zaka and MDA also provide services with moral ambivalence or indifference, without discrimination based on the possibility of a patient being a patron or even practioner of terror towards the children of Yisroel (they even do it not just on an individual basis, but on a national basis where they seek to the likes of Iran, Indonesia, etc., etc. who dedicated to the destruction of eretz Yisroel). Does Shaare Zedek provide resources it has at its disposal to those who come to kill the children of Yisroel even though those resources may have been acquired with donations made with the intent that they be used to only help the children of Yisorel and not those that come to kill them? And if you do provide this care without regard to the acts of the individual you care for, what culpability do you have when that individual goes on to patronize or practice further acts of terror whether they are successful or not in their goal?


The policy of Shaare Zedek from the time of Dr. Moshe Wallach & Schvester Selma was to treat all patients regardless of race, creed or religion.

Dr. Wallach even traveled to Jordan to treat the Royal family.

The second director of the hospital, Dr. Falk Schlezinger, was proud that he treated Jews & non Jews alike in his private practice in Germany before coming to Jerusalem.

According to the great Poskim of our generation, physicians are required to treat Jews and non Jews during the week and on the Shabbat.

Rabbi Moshe Flegg (Peleg) Rabbi of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center

Dr. Halevy's response:

I fully agree with Rabbai Peleg's response.

Yonatan Halevy


שאלות נוספות


כתוב בתורה: "ונרפא נגע הצרת מן המצורע", פירוש מילולי של הפסוק בהבנה ראשונה שנגע הצרעת הוא זה שמתפטר מהמצורע בזמן שבאמת זה ההפך – המצורע

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שלום, אני משתמש קבוע בכדורים "עיכולקס" להסדרת היציאות. הכדורים לפי מיטב ידיעתי אינם כשרים לפסח. האם הרב מכיר תחליף שכשר לפסח, או שמא ידוע לו

קרא עוד »

מה אתם מחפשים?

לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית לפרומי בלוף קינץ תתיח לרעח. לת צשחמי צש בליא, מנסוטו צמלח לביקו ננבי, צמוקו בלוקריה.