השתלת איברים- מאמר של הרב גורן


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: ישראל בלפר


To whom it may concern:

I am trying to locate a copy of this: Mahanayim – the Army Chief Rabbinate’s monthly journal. I am specifically looking for this article: Heart Transplants as Viewed in Halachah in Mahanayim; volume 123; pages 7-17; by General Shlomo Goren published in 1970.

I would appreciate any help you can provide regarding this matter. Please refence TN#: 786471 with any correspondence.

Thank you,


Thank you very much for your question

1 details concerning the issue of Mahanayim you requested:

i Rabbi Shlomo Goren did in fact have an article on the subject, but it was published in volume 122, not 123.

ii also- this version of the article is only a transcript from a radio show that was aired on the day of the first heart-transplant in Israel

2 There is a full version of the article, which Rabbi Goren wrote himself, and it is a part of his book on Medicine & Halachah ("Hatorah v'Harefua").

3 We may be able to send you the relevant chapter via email if it necessary (we need to get permission from his son, but that is shouldn't be a problem)


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