האכלה בכוח


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


We recently had a case of a severely demented old lady who stopped eating – apparently this is a sign of end-stage Alzheimer’s disease where the patient loses her appetite and dies from starvation.

Our hospital decided that there is no increase in life expectancy in placing in a PEG (percutaneous gastrostomy tube)

Am I compelled to put a nasogastric tube down here and force feed her?

Am I compelled to write her up sub cut fluids?

Am I compelled to treat her wound infection with IV antibiotics and thereby put an intravenous line up?


I'm not sure how you can go against the hospital's decision. If the patient is Jewish you should involve a Rav since she must certainly be given fluids. If she is likely to die from her disease before she dies of starvation one does not have to feed her by artificial means.

Contact Rabbi Meir Scheinberg at the Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center


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