בירור מוצא יהודי ממצב רפואי – Jewish ancestry of cryofibrinogenimia


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: ישראל בלפר



I want to find out if I have some Jewish ancestry.

My sister was diagnosed with a RARE medical condition named CRYOFIBRINOGENEMIA.

The Dr. did some research and found in the New England Journal of Medicine, VIA the University Hospital Library in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. some information and says it is 99% from JEWISH Ancestry.

Does anyone know more about it?

Do I have Jewish blooline? My father's family is from Germany.

I am eager to embrace this.

Please help.



If you are asking about geneology and resources for finding family roots- you can look up:

1. The Douglas E. Goldman Jewish Genealogy Center– part of the 'Museum of the Jewish people'

2. since your family roots are in germany, you may find this useful: The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names


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