ביאור מונח "הזרעת הבעל"


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


Dear Sir:

I hope I am sending this inquiry to the right address. Please forward it elsewhere if I am sending it to the wrong address. I am conducting research into the question of a Shabbos bris for a child conceived through IVF or IUI, and I had a question related to the discussion in Nishmat Avraham v.3 (Chelek Even HaEzer) p.9. Dr. Avraham quotes R Shlomo Zalman, z"l, who deals with the question in light of Rabbeinu Chananel in Chagigah (16a). R Shlomo Zalman is trying to explain the basis for Rabbeinu Chananel's position, and he suggests that perhaps a woman who conceives in a bathtub doesn't fit the description 'tazria' because "eina mesaayat lehazra'at haba'al אינה מסייעת להזרעת הבעל". Does this mean that she does not participate in his releasing sperm (semen), or that she does not help him to inseminate her? In other words, is at that she is not with him at the beginning, when it leaves his body, or are we more concerned with her not bringing him to deliver the sperm into her? What is meant by the term 'hazra'at haba'al'?

Any and all assistance would be most appreciated.



The question was sent to Rabbi Professor A. S. Avraham, author of the Nishmat Avraham , and this is his answer:

'hazra'at haba'al' refers to the act of insemination. The Rav zt"l's explanation of Rabbeinu Channanel was that "ki tazriah" includes both the active participation of the wife in the mitzvah and also that the insemination of sperm directly into body, both of which are missing in the case of the bathtub insemination. If this was true then this argument would also apply to IVF where the above factors would also be lacking


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האם לחתום על טופס אד"י(כרטיס תורם אברים) מהי עמדתה של ההלכה בנושא? ואם תוכלו לשלוח לי חומר התומך בעמדה הלכתית. בתודה מראש.

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