הפריה באמצעות IVF והריון פונדקאי לאשה ללא רחם


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I am a medical doctor presently living in South Africa. My wife was born without a uterus and is thus unable to conceive. Her ovaries are functioning normally, so we are able to create embryos through IVF. We are desperately looking for a surrogate mother. We are looking into making aliya and were wondering what options would be available to us with regards to IVF and surrogacy. We would appreciate any information from a halakhic as well as a practical point of view. Please would you be so kind as to maintain confidentiality.


Israeli law permits surrogate motherhood in situations such as yours, under certain conditions as detailed in the law. The law itself has been formally published in Reshumot (the official book of Israeli law) and in the collection of essays published prior to the Schlesinger Institute’s 1996 conference (Asufat Ma’amarim Liqrat ha-Kinus ha-Benleumi ha-Sheini [Heb.], pp. 264-270).

Regarding the halakhic issue, there is serious debate among the posqim (rabbinic decisors) and there are a variety of opinions on the matter. See the Asufat Ma’amarim mentioned above, pp. 271-339.

Practically speaking, I recommend that you consult Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag, the Head of the Beis Din in Johannesburg, for a personal halakhic decision.


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ב"ה שלום וברכה! אני בן 26 נשוי כמעט 4 שנים ואב לשתי בנות. יש לי בעיה של שפיכה מוקדמת(בד"כ תוך שניות ספורות) אחרי שאלת רב

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