הפלה לאישה עם עבר של בעיות לב


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I am a Anesthesiology Resident at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester NY. We are told that we dont have to perform elective abortions if we don't feel comfortable doing so, and that has been my practice until now.

I have a patient who is 20 weeks gestational age who has decided to have an abortion. She has a PMH of post-partum MI and severe dilated cardiomyopathy in 2002. She has improved considerably with a EF at that time of 10% and has slowly improved to 35%. She is in NY HF class II. HER reasons for abortion are in her words mainly because she has enough children. As a side point she said she knows its not good for her heart.

From a medical point of view my understanding is that pregnancy puts her life at risk. Am I allowed to partake in this D&E?. Does it matter what her reasons for wanting an abortion are, or the fact that her life would be at (perhaps great) risk allow one to be involved.

This is a non-jewish patient. I would appreciate a response ASAP. I atteneded the summer medical halacha conference in July about 5 years ago and it remains as the most amazing experiece of my life. Thank you very much.

Kol Tuv, K F


If the pregnancy puts her life at risk, you are allowed to partake in this D&E.


שאלות נוספות

מה אתם מחפשים?

לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית לפרומי בלוף קינץ תתיח לרעח. לת צשחמי צש בליא, מנסוטו צמלח לביקו ננבי, צמוקו בלוקריה.